Showing posts with label paragraph. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paragraph. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About Importance Of Games And Sports In Our Life

 Importance Of Games And Sports In Our LifeGames and sports play an important role in human life. There is a proverb that a sound mind lives in a sound body. Good health is attained by games and sports. The world can only be united through organizing games and sports. Men enjoy games and sports in two ways- playing...

Saturday, June 11, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About A Selfish Giant

 A Selfish GiantOnce there was a beautiful garden. A Giant belonged to that garden. The Giant went far away. In the meantime, the children played in that garden. One day, the Giant came back and saw the children playing. He drove them away and then built a wall round the garden. The children could not enter into it....

Friday, June 10, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About A Journey By Train

 A Journey By TrainIn the last autumn vacation, I got sufficient time. So, I made up my mind to make a journey by train from Khulna to Rajshahi. I reached the station about half an hour before the departure of the train. It was then a very busy time. Rickshaws, motor cars and other vehicles were coming to the station...

Thursday, June 9, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About My Leisure Activities At School And At Home

 My Leisure Activities At School And At HomeEverybody does something besides his usual duty. As a student, I also pass my leisure time doing something. At school, I usually pass my leisure time by playing and sometimes gossiping with my friends. Sometimes I along with my friends discuss about difficult subject matter....

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About Leisure Activities / Pastime

 Leisure Activities / PastimeLeisure plays a very significant role in the life of a man. During leisure a man does not generally do any income generating work. But leisure does never mean idleness. Leisure suggests a period when a man is not bound to do any scheduled job. In a leisure period a man can do some interesting...

Monday, June 6, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About Florence Nightingale

 Florence NightingaleFlorence Nightingale was born in Italy in 1820. Her father was a rich landlord. She studied nursing at Nurses’ Training Institute in Germany. She also went to France and learned about nursing. After receiving education, she returned to England. As she received education in nursing, she took job...

Sunday, June 5, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About Helen Keller

 Helen KellerHelen Keller was a great humanitarian. He was born in 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama, America. Her father was captain Arthur Keller and mother Katherine Adams Keller. Her family was not rich. The source of income of her family was cotton plantation. She was born as a healthy child. But in 1882 she became...

Saturday, June 4, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About Begum Rokeya

 Begum RokeyaBegum Rokeya was a famous writer and a social worker. She lived in undivited Bengal in the early 20th century. She was born in a village called Pairabondh, Rangpur in 1880 in a rich family. Her father Jahiruddin Muhammad Abu Ali Haider Saber was an educated landlord. Rokeya was married to Khan Bahadur...

Friday, June 3, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About A Fixed Price Shop

 A Fixed Price ShopA shop is a very familiar place to us. Generally it is available to the place where people live or use to move around. There are many kinds of shop around us. They have many names like grocery shop, variety store, cosmetics shop etc. But they have two forms. One is fixed price shop and another is...

Thursday, June 2, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About A Home Maker

 A Home MakerA home maker is a person specially a woman who works at home and takes care of the house and family. She does every household work. She is always busy inside the house. She cooks food, washes cloth, cleans the house and does many other work of the family. She gives birth to children and takes care of...

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About A Carpenter

 A CarpenterA carpenter is a person whose job is making and repairing wooden objects and structures. He works with wood. He makes different kinds of wooden furniture. He is hired by the villagers to make chairs, tables, benches, doors, windows etc. He is also asked to do small repair work in the rural area, he does...

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About Daily Activities Of A Teacher

 Daily Activities Of A TeacherLike the people of all other professions, a teacher has got some duties to perform daily. He gets up early in the morning and does his morning work. After completing morning work, he takes academic preparation. If he is an English teacher, he reads the text very well, learns the meaning...

Monday, May 30, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About A Teacher

 A TeacherA teacher is an architect of a nation. He plays an important role in building up an educated nation. He dispels the darkness of ignorance from the lot of a nation. He is an actor, so to speak. He has to suit his act according to the need of his audience which is his class. He is able to hold the attention...

Sunday, May 29, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About My Best Friend

 My Best FriendA friend is one, who has the feelings of friendship. We can’t go in this age of global relationship without friendship. A good friend is a heavenly bliss to us. I have a good friend. I have known him for more than seven years. At school, from a hard quarrel our friendship started. He quarreled with...

Thursday, May 19, 2022

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Write a paragraph about Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony of Our School

 Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony of Our SchoolThe prize-giving ceremony of our school was held on 2nd April in the school compound. We decorated the school building very tastefully. The function began just at 10 am with recitation from the Holy Quran. The Principal of P.N. College was in the chair. The Headmaster read...

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About Using A Dictionary

 Using A DictionaryIf you want to improve your English, you must learn to use a dictionary. A dictionary helps you with the meanings of words. It also shows you the correct spelling and pronunciation of a word. To get help from a dictionary you must learn to use it first. Here are some instructions that you can follow....

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About Dictionary

 DictionaryA dictionary is a collection of words of a particular language. It lists the words of a language and gives necessary information about them. It tells us about the spelling, pronunciation, meaning, parts of speech etc. of words. To make the meanings of words clear, example sentences are given in Italics....

Monday, March 14, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About My First Day At School

 My First Day At SchoolIn 2009 I was six years old. I can remember a very important event that happened then. That was my experience about my first day at school. On that very day, my father took me to Neel Para Primary School situated in our village. He took me in the headmaster’s room. My heart beat fast. But him...

Sunday, March 13, 2022

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Write A Paragraph About A Book Shop

 A Book ShopA book shop is a place where different kinds of textbooks or reference books are sold. It is a very important place for all educated persons. Most of the customers of the book shop are book lovers of the all ages. It is mostly familiar to the students. Generally a book shop is seen beside any educational...